
New Mitzvah Trend: Logos

27 Jan 2017


Since Sarah Merians wrote her Mitzvah Mom’s Journal about the experience planning her own daughter’s Bat Mitzvah 4 years ago, she has collected lots of photos of new Mitzvah trends over the last 4 years she is seeing as a photographer on the NY Mitzvah circuit. This week we are highlighting a fun trend: Mitzvah logos!  All of these logos speak to the interests of our Bar and Bat Mitzvah boys and girls from sports and music to summer and winter hobbies. Check out our Facebook page and our blog during the months of January through March for more new Mitzvah trends.

#mitzvahtrends #mitzvahmonday  @MitzvahMarket 

Read the Mitzvah Mom’s Journal by Sarah Merians HERE.

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Sarah Merians

Sarah Merians is the CEO and founder of Sarah Merians Photography & Video Company,a New York based company,founded in 1986. Known for being the premier boutique photographer in NYC,capturing people,families and special has been said that "Sarah makes celebrities feel like everyday people and everyday people feel like celebrities."

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